La Suisse est sans aucun doute l'un des meilleurs sites de randonnée au monde. C’est pourquoi j’y suis allé. J'ai passé trois mois à faire de la randonnée presque tous les jours en Suisse pendant l'été et à chaque randonnée, j'ai documenté les informations et les conseils sur la randonnée que vous devez savoir ainsi que la capture de photos du voyage et bien sûr au sommet. Tout au long de ma randonnée, j'ai visité de nombreuses régions différentes de la Suisse telles qu'Interlaken, Zermatt, Grindelwald, Engelberg, Coire, Murren, Fribourg, Appenzell et bien d'autres en tentant de découvrir tous les meilleurs sentiers de randonnée de Suisse. Dans ce billet de blog, j'ai choisi mes 50 randonnées préférées en Suisse afin que vous puissiez choisir un couple qui se démarque et aller explorer les Alpes suisses et les sentiers autour de ce pays incroyablement pittoresque!
Avant de vous plonger dans cette liste épique des meilleures randonnées en Suisse, il y a quelques choses à savoir sur ce billet de blog. J'ai inclus un énorme « Ce qu'il faut savoir lors d'une randonnée en Suisse« Section au bas de l'article de blog avec beaucoup d'informations et de conseils, mais ce sont quelques informations que vous devez savoir avant de consulter la liste de mes 50 randonnées préférées en Suisse
- La Suisse a une échelle de difficulté SAC, qui étiquette les randonnées avec un score technique tel que T2 ou T5, etc. Toutes les randonnées dans ce blog sont en T4 à quelques exceptions près. J'ai inclus le tableau complet / l'échelle de difficulté au bas du billet de blog afin que vous puissiez voir quel niveau vous convient et l'explication de chaque niveau. Par conséquent, il existe d'autres randonnées très épiques en Suisse qui ne figurent pas sur cette liste et qui présentent un degré de difficulté plus élevé (au-delà du T5) qui nécessitent un équipement alpin et une expérience d'escalade. Ce guide concerne les randonnées que votre randonneur de fitness moyen peut tenter afin que le Cervin et toutes les ascensions de 4000m + ne figurent pas sur cette liste.
- Chacun des sentiers de randonnée en Suisse sur cette liste a une description et un lien vers un article individuel plus détaillé que j'ai créé avec des instructions, des instructions, de nombreuses photos et tout ce que vous devez savoir sur cette randonnée. Donc, si vous voyez une randonnée que vous aimez, alors allez-y et cliquez sur le lien pour tous les détails sur la randonnée et mon examen / expérience complet de la randonnée.
- Le guide sera réparti par région, il est donc facile de parcourir une section que vous visitez ou qui vous intéresse. Il n'y a pas d'ordre particulier pour les randonnées. Il n'y avait pas de randonnées sur cette liste, je ne les referais pas même si certaines étaient un peu plus épiques que d'autres comme vous le verrez.
- La meilleure application pour naviguer sur les sentiers de randonnée en Suisse est l'application gratuite Suisse Mobility, qui fonctionne hors ligne (généralement) et l'application Alltrails. J'ai utilisé les deux en fonction de leur disponibilité sur un sentier spécifique, ainsi que Google Maps et s'il s'agit d'une randonnée de base.
- J'ai parcouru la Suisse en sac à dos en utilisant les trains et les bus. Ils sont très efficaces, ont une bonne couverture et sont également très chers. Ce que j'ai fait, c'est acheter la Swiss Half-Fare Card, qui vous donne la moitié du prix sur n'importe quel billet (sauf certains téléphériques) .Elle se paie essentiellement dans les cinq jours, donc si vous êtes là pendant une semaine, vous en avez besoin. Croyez-moi. Si vous cherchez à vous déplacer rapidement à travers le pays et à faire de grands voyages en train, ils coûteront parfois plus de 100 $ USD. Beaucoup de gens obtiennent le Swiss Travel Pass, qui coûte assez cher environ 100 $ par jour, mais vous offre un voyage gratuit illimité et à moitié prix sur de nombreux téléphériques. Je dirais que vous obtenez le Swiss Half-Fare Pass à coup sûr, mais ne vous précipitez pas dans le Swiss Travel Pass complet avant d'avoir tracé votre itinéraire.
- J'ai écrit un guide complet sur Où séjourner en Suisse pour tous les budgets, y compris les meilleurs choix de luxe, les familles / valeur et les routards à petit budget. Il y aura des astuces au bas de l'article, mais l'article de blog principal si vous regardez dans quelle région vous installer et où séjourner est ici.
D'accord, allons-y. J'ai consacré beaucoup de temps et d'efforts à créer ce guide et à faire ces randonnées sur une période de 85 jours en Suisse. Du sang a été versé, de nombreux «derniers trains» ont été manqués, plusieurs chaussures de randonnée ont péri et une quantité importante de chocolat et de fromage a été consommée. J'espère que vous apprécierez mon Guide de randonnée en Suisse: 50 meilleures randonnées en Suisse.
Comme je l'ai mentionné plus tôt. Ce guide sera divisé en régions pour en faciliter la digestion et vous pourrez faire défiler jusqu'à la région qui vous intéresse. Chaque randonnée a une courte description et un lien vers un article individuel plus détaillé que j'ai créé avec des instructions, des instructions, de nombreuses photos et tout ce que vous devez savoir sur cette randonnée. Donc, si vous voyez une randonnée que vous aimez, allez-y et cliquez sur le lien pour tous les détails sur la randonnée et mon examen / expérience complet de ce sentier de randonnée en Suisse.
J'ai séjourné dans la ville d'Interlaken pendant plus de deux semaines et en fait revisité deux fois. À mon avis, c'est le meilleur endroit pour se baser pour faire de la randonnée en Suisse et aussi la ville la moins chère pour se baser avec un peu une ambiance de routard par rapport à la plupart des villes suisses. Vous avez Grindelwald, Murren, Lauterbrunnen et bien plus en moins d'une heure dans le train depuis Interlaken. C'est parfait pour 2-3 semaines d'aventure si vous appréciez de garder le même port d'attache tout au long. Vous pouvez consulter mon guide détaillé d'Interlaken ici: 15 RANDONNÉES IMPRESSIONNANT PRÈS D'INTERLAKEN
La randonnée de crête Hardergrat doit être quelque part en haut de cette liste. C’est une des randonnées à la journée les plus difficiles de Suisse et aussi l’une des plus dangereuses. Le sentier commence à Brienz et longe le Brienzersee (lac de Brienz) jusqu'à la station Harder Kulm.
Il faut environ six heures aux randonneurs en forme pour terminer et il y a beaucoup de pièces avec des chutes très, très raides. C'est pour les randonneurs expérimentés et à éviter les jours humides, les falaises abruptes peuvent être impitoyables. Il est possible de monter le train jusqu'à Brienz, puis de descendre de Harder Kulm, donc il vous suffit de marcher le long de la crête, mais vous devrez marcher rapidement et avec détermination, car si vous manquez le dernier train, vous descendrez encore 800 mètres de pente. Le meilleur itinéraire est de prendre le train le plus tôt possible (à moitié prix) à Brienz, puis de longer la crête jusqu'à la station Harder-Kulm et de vous assurer que vous prenez le dernier train. Alternativement, si vous êtes un randonneur, vous pouvez monter jusqu'à Brienzer Rothorn, le long de la crête jusqu'à Harder Kulm Station, puis descendre à Interlaken pour un total de près de 30 kilomètres et 3000m + de dénivelé tout au long de la journée. Bonne chance pour ce voyage sur l'un des sentiers de randonnée point à point les plus épiques de Suisse.
La randonnée de Schynige Platte à First via Faulhorn fait partie des meilleures randonnées d'Interlaken avec une vue épique à chaque tour. Attendez-vous à une longue journée sur les jambes avec 16 km de piste devant vous et près de 1000 m de dénivelé. La soupe et le café à Faulhorn avec des vues magiques en valent la peine.
Cette randonnée est assez spéciale car elle offre une vue sur Brienzersee en cours de route avant de remonter le long des lacs alpins jusqu'au refuge de montagne Fualhorn. J'ai fait cette randonnée emblématique près d'Interlaken après la première neige de la saison et c'était tout simplement magnifique. C'est aussi une excellente randonnée pour le milieu du printemps lorsque les fleurs alpines sont en pleine floraison.
Cette randonnée épique près d'Interlaken n'est pas extrêmement difficile avec très peu de sujets de préoccupation pour les randonneurs moyennement expérimentés. Alors que 1000m de pente sont importants, il n'y a aucun point où le sentier est trop exposé. De nombreuses parties du sentier sont rocheuses et impliquent un tout petit peu d'escalade, mais vous n'avez jamais besoin d'utiliser vos mains ou de grimper.
La randonnée m'a pris un temps total de 5 heures. Cela pourrait être fait en un peu moins de temps, surtout si vous ne montez pas au sommet d'Oberberg et de Faulhorn, mais c'est tout l'intérêt de la randonnée! Je négocierais pendant 5-7 heures pour le voyage total et vous apprécierez un café et une soupe à Faulhorn et aurez beaucoup de temps libre pour profiter de votre randonnée. Le principal point à retenir est que (au moins pendant l'été) le dernier téléphérique de First à Grindelwald est à 5h30, vous devez donc quitter la Schynige Platte avant midi pour le faire. Si vous le manquez, il y a un sentier de 2 heures jusqu'à Grindelwald que vous devrez emprunter les jambes fatiguées.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le blog complet ici: SCHYNIGE PLATTE RANDONNÉE À FAULHORN & FIRST
Le mont Niesen était une randonnée dont je n'avais pas trop entendu parler, mais elle a livré de nombreuses façons différentes! Le téléphérique est si raide que c'est une promenade passionnante en soi, la vue sur le sentier panoramique jusqu'au sommet était incroyable, puis être au-dessus des nuages à Niesen Kulm Berghaus en profitant du coucher de soleil était hors de ce monde.
En raison de sa forme pyramidale distincte, ce sommet dépasse des nuages lorsque les conditions sont réunies et avec un restaurant de refuge de montagne chic au sommet du sommet, c'est l'un des sites à voir à Thoune, qui est juste une ville en bas de la ligne d'Interlaken. Ci-dessous, sur les photos, vous verrez l'ombre pyramidale qu'elle projette au coucher du soleil. Ce fut de loin l'une de mes expériences de randonnée préférées à Interlaken, car j'ai eu de la chance avec les nuages et un coucher de soleil épique lors de ma mission en solo.
La distance de Mulenen à Niesen Kulm est de 7,7 km ou vous pouvez faire comme je l'ai fait et prendre le téléphérique jusqu'à la gare de Schwandegg, qui est à mi-hauteur, puis des randonnées de Schwandegg à Niesen Kulm, ce qui m'a pris 1 heure et 13 minutes pour terminer la 4,8 kilomètres avec une pente de 646 mètres. Le temps recommandé est de 2-3 heures si vous roulez en roue libre.
Le sentier est assez facile et il n'y a pas de moments d'exposition sérieux. L'inclinaison est la partie la plus difficile de cette randonnée et si vous n'êtes pas confiant, il est conseillé de commencer à mi-chemin à Schwandegg car de Mulenen, il y a 1700m de montée, ce qui est un peu trop pour un débutant mais bien pour les randonneurs réguliers.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le blog complet ici: HIKING MOUNT NIESEN ‘THE SWISS PYRAMID’
La randonnée Morgenberghorn est un sentier difficile avec 1300m de pente mais le point panoramique a la meilleure vue de la région sur le lac de Thoune! Cette randonnée est assez proche d'Interlaken et comme vous le verrez, j'ai en fait marché jusqu'à Interlaken, c'est à quel point elle est proche.
C’est une petite piste amusante jusqu’à un point de vue qui surplombe le lac de Thoune et offre même une vue sur «The Big Three» lorsque les nuages se dégagent. Ce sont Eiger, Monch et Jungfrau.
La distance totale de la randonnée était de 19 km, ce qui inclut le sommet du Morgenberghorn et ensuite continuer jusqu'à Wilderswil. C'est l'itinéraire que j'ai pris, mais vous pouvez le raccourcir en revenant à Aescherid ou à d'autres descentes à proximité. Vous ajoutez ensuite une heure et demie de retour à Interlaken si vous y restez donc dans le temps, c'est similaire. Cela dépend juste si vous voulez retourner à Interlaken ou prendre le train.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le blog complet ici: MORGENBERGHORN HIKE: MEILLEURE VUE SUR LE LAC DE THUN
Augstmatthorn est l'un des sommets les plus spectaculaires le long de la crête Hardergrat. Il est célèbre non seulement pour la vue imprenable mais aussi pour la colonie de bouquetins qui a élu domicile à Augstmatthorn. Il existe plusieurs façons d'atteindre Augstmatthorn mais l'itinéraire le plus populaire est de commencer à Harder Kulm et de marcher le long de la crête jusqu'au sommet.
La vue à Augstmatthorn avec les nuages sous nous était tout simplement incroyable. Nous pouvions voir tout le long de la crête Hardergrat, avions une vue épique sur Brienzersee et au-delà. La colonie de bouquetins traînait sans trop de soin pour nous en tant que randonneurs et c'était assez magique de regarder ces incroyables créatures dans un endroit aussi épique. Ce sentier de randonnée est là-haut comme l'une des meilleures randonnées à Interlaken pour moi!
La distance de marche de Harder Kulm à Augstmatthorn puis à Habkern est de 16 kilomètres. De Habkern, vous récupérez ensuite le bus jusqu'à votre destination. Si vous prévoyez de faire un aller-retour depuis Harder Kulm, vous devez partir assez tôt dans la journée pour vous assurer de prendre le dernier train de Harder Kulm à Interlaken.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le blog complet ici: AUGSTMATTHORN RANDONNÉE DE HARDER KULM
La randonnée Dossen Hut est un parcours épique de difficulté T4 de 19 km qui commence au glacier Rosenlaui, vous conduit jusqu'au refuge de montagne et descend à Innertkirchen. Celui-ci nécessite un train et un bus depuis Interlaken, mais j'ai tout fait fonctionner comme une randonnée d'une journée à Interlaken.
La randonnée commence par vous emmener à travers un canyon et un certain nombre de cascades avant de commencer la route T4 sur les pentes rocheuses. Des échelles, des cordes et des chevilles vous mènent dans la bousculade jusqu'au refuge de montagne où vous avez une vue épique sur le glacier Rosenlaui. Vous revenez ensuite à travers le canyon de l'autre côté de la crête avant de reprendre le train pour Interlaken.
La durée suggérée est d'environ 8 heures de l'hôtel Rosenlaui au refuge Dossen et jusqu'à Innertkirchen. Cependant, comme vous le verrez dans ce billet de blog, j'ai fait la randonnée en 5 heures, mais j'ai également dû parcourir 5 km supplémentaires d'Innertkirchen à la gare de Meiringen. C'est donc possible en moins de 5 heures, mais cela prendra probablement 5 à 10 heures pour la plupart des randonneurs.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le billet de blog complet ici: RANDONNÉE VERS DOSSEN HUT VIA ROSENLAUI GLACIER
Le Niederhorn est un sommet populaire avec beaucoup d'action à l'époque, mis en évidence par des vues incroyables sur le lac de Thoune, qui est très proche d'Interlaken. Il est possible de monter ou de descendre avec le téléphérique, mais explorer la randonnée de la crête du Niederhorn au sommet est un must!
Au sommet, nous avons traîné sur la crête qui surplombe l'extrémité ouest du lac de Thoune et nous étions seuls tout le temps. Nous avons regardé les parapentes décoller (j'ai vu celui de mon drone, qui était un peu effrayant), avons parcouru le lac de Thoune et regardé les petites cabanes dans la vallée en dessous.
La façon dont nous avons fait la randonnée était de prendre un téléphérique jusqu'au sommet, puis de marcher le long de la crête, puis de descendre à Beatenberg Station. C'était 7 kilomètres. Cela peut être fait en sens inverse ou en boucle entière pendant 14 km.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir l'intégralité du billet de blog ici: LA RANDONNÉE NIEDERHORN: UNE BELLE PROMENADE RIDGE
Murren est l'une de mes régions préférées en Suisse avec certaines des meilleures vues de balcon au monde, qui dominent la vallée de Lauterbrunnen avec le «Big 3» au loin (Eiger, Jungfrau, Monch). J'ai visité cette région pendant 5 jours et j'ai à peine eu le temps de voir toutes les incroyables randonnées à Mürren. Vous pouvez consulter mon guide détaillé de la randonnée à Murren: 7 RANDONNÉES IMPRESSIONNANTES PRÈS DE MURREN
La Via Ferrata de Murren à Gimmelwald est l'une des aventures les plus épiques de Suisse. Traversez des échelles et des marches au bord d'une falaise surplombant Lauterbrunnen, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, vous êtes attaché avec un harnais!
Pour ceux qui ne savent pas ce qu'est une Via Ferrata, c'est essentiellement une série d'échelles, de marches et d'escalade qui vous mènent vers le haut d'un mur. Vous portez un harnais et un clip dans un fil solide au début de la Via Ferrata. À partir de ce moment, vous êtes toujours connecté avec au moins un clip.
C'est l'une des expériences de randonnée les plus exaltantes que vous puissiez vivre lorsque vous êtes basé à Interlaken. Vous serez littéralement suspendu au mur au-dessus d'une chute de 500 mètres dans la vallée de Lauterbrunnen. Vous êtes prêt?
J'ai ajouté les instructions pour arriver au début de la Via Ferrata de Murren ci-dessous.
- Depuis Interlaken, vous devrez prendre le train Lauterbrunnen
- Une fois à Lauterbrunnen, prenez le téléphérique Grutschalp, juste à côté de la gare. Cela vous mènera jusqu'à la gare de Grutschalp où vous pourrez passer sur l'historique Murren Railway.
- Le chemin de fer de Mürren est l'une des attractions les plus pittoresques de Suisse avec vue sur l'Eiger et les sommets environnants tout au long du trajet.
- Une fois arrivé à la gare de Murren, tournez à gauche en sortant de la gare et passez 10 minutes devant l'hôtel Edelweiss et vous arriverez au chalet de sport sur votre droite et Intersport sur votre gauche pour la location du matériel.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le blog complet ici: LES MORTS À GIMMELWALD VIA FERRATA
La randonnée de Murren à Schilthorn est difficile avec 1600m d'altitude grimpée tout au long du sentier jusqu'au sommet du Piz Gloria où James Bond ‘007’ a été filmé. Au sommet, vous pouvez vous récompenser après la longue randonnée avec un bol de soupe chaud au restaurant tournant, qui vous permet de profiter des vues panoramiques à 360 degrés tout en dégustant votre repas. Depuis Interlaken, vous voudrez partir assez tôt pour vous donner suffisamment de temps pour faire la randonnée et revenir pour ce qui est une randonnée d'une journée très possible depuis Interlaken.
Le sentier de Murren à Rotstockhutte est relativement facile. La majeure partie du chemin est un chemin de terre bien qu'il existe certaines sections qui sont un mélange de roche et de chemin. La plupart des familles se dirigeront facilement vers Rotstockhutte avec seulement 300 à 400 m d'altitude.
Rotstockhutte à Schilthorn est très raide. Vous parcourez plus de 1000 mètres de dénivelé en seulement quelques kilomètres, ce qui signifie que c'est juste en haut de la montagne. Ici, vous grimpez sur des rochers et vous vous dirigez constamment vers le haut. Cependant, c'est assez sûr et il n'y a pas de retombées. Si vous pouvez gérer la pente raide, il n'y a pas grand-chose à craindre.
La distance totale est de 12,9 km entre Murren et le sommet du mont Schilthorn. Si vous voulez descendre, vous devrez ajouter quelques kilomètres de plus, mais nous avons attrapé la Schilthornbahn jusqu'à Murren, ce qui était une bonne façon de revenir après une longue journée sur les jambes.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le blog complet ici: MURREN TO SCHILTHORN HIKE
Tanzbodeli est l'une de mes randonnées préférées dans la région de Lauterbrunnen car elle offre les meilleurs 360 degrés de l'ensemble du paysage montagneux. Par temps clair, vous avez l'impression d'être au centre de la région de la Jungfrau et vous pouvez voir tous les sommets chargés de glaciers. Par une journée sombre et nuageuse, c'est tout aussi impressionnant que vous êtes apparemment à l'intérieur d'un nuage, au sommet du monde. Nous avons eu des morceaux des deux lors de notre voyage vers Tanzbodeli et Obersteinberg depuis Gimmelwald.
Distance de randonnée: 13,9 km Distance totale de Gimmelwald à Tanzbodeli à Obersteinberg à Stechelberg. La distance totale entre Gimmelwald et Tanzbodeli était de 6 raide kilomètres en 2 heures.
Durée de la randonnée: 4 heures de déplacement mais la durée totale était de 7 heures dont une heure au sommet, une heure à l'hôtel Obersteinberg et d'autres arrêts.
Difficulté de la randonnée: Le sentier n'est pas techniquement difficile, bien qu'il y ait des parties où vous grimperez des rochers. Aucune chute n'est jamais visible de chaque côté du sentier. Chemin de terre la plupart du temps. Randonnée relativement simple bien que la pente soit assez raide et que l'air devienne mince. Physiquement difficile mais relativement sûr.
Randonnée inclinée: Altitude totale tout au long de la randonnée de 1100 mètres.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le blog complet ici: TANZBODELI & OBERSTEINBERG HIKE: LA MEILLEURE VUE DE LAUTERBRUNNEN
Grindelwald est tout ce qui rend la Suisse si incroyable. Vous avez les chalets par excellence avec des flux parfaitement taillés sur les balcons, les montagnes enneigées se dressent au-dessus de la ville, le son des cloches à vache peut être entendu à de nombreux coins et vous avez de superbes randonnées. Vous avez le célèbre mur de l'Eiger mais aussi la plus haute gare d'Europe avec le Jungfraujoch mais de nombreux beaux lacs alpins et d'autres sommets à explorer. Il y a beaucoup de superbes randonnées de nuit en refuge dans cette région, ce que j'ai vraiment apprécié. Vous pouvez consulter mon guide de randonnée détaillé pour Grindelwald ici: 12 RANDONNÉES ÉPIQUES PRÈS DE GRINDELWALD
La cabane Baregg (Bareghutte) est perchée au bord d'une falaise, surplombant le glacier inférieur de Grindelwald. Il se trouve à seulement 3 km à pied de Pfingstegg et est un endroit idéal pour une nuit et un camp de base pour la randonnée vers la cabane Schreckhorn (Schreckhornhutte). J'ai pris le train d'Interlaken à Grindelwald et j'ai commencé à partir de là et je suis revenu le lendemain. Mon auberge m'a laissé laisser mes bagages dans leurs casiers gratuitement.
Le sentier longe le bord de la falaise, le long du glacier inférieur de Grindelwald… ou du moins là où se trouvait le glacier. Cette randonnée vous montre exactement à quel point le glacier a reculé au cours du dernier siècle et demi. Je suis arrivé à la cabane en fin d'après-midi et j'ai déposé mon équipement dans le dortoir, je me suis changé et je suis sorti pour profiter du paysage. Les chambres de style dortoir ont de beaux lits superposés avec des matelas confortables et une vue magnifique, même depuis les lits superposés eux-mêmes. À l'intérieur du refuge de montagne, vous trouverez des douches, des salles de bains, une salle à manger et de nombreux espaces pour se détendre, jouer aux cartes et profiter de l'atmosphère chaleureuse.
La randonnée de Baregg Hut à Schreckhorn Hut est un peu plus difficile que la route de Pfingstegg à Baregg Hut. Il s'agit d'une randonnée aller-retour de 12 km jusqu'à Baregg avec plus de 1000 m de dénivelé.
Mis à part les échelles et les câbles, vous devez gravir plus de 1000 mètres, ce qui est un défi en soi, alors préparez-vous définitivement à l'aventure! Les vues sur le glacier qui sont à distance de contact tout au long du sentier en valent la peine!
La distance de Pfinstegg à Baregg Hut n'est que de 2,75 km. Cependant, le lendemain, la randonnée vers Schreckhorn et retour à Baregg Hut est de 11,8 kilomètres, puis le retour de 2,75 km à Pfinstegg. Donc, tout est prêt pour cette expédition, il fait 17,3 km.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le billet de blog complet ici: BAREGG HUT HIKE AVEC LA NUITÉE ET LA RANDONNÉE À SCHRECKHORN HUT
La randonnée Eiger Trail est l'un des itinéraires les plus populaires de Suisse car le chemin mène les randonneurs directement sous le célèbre mur nord de la face nord de l'Eiger, réputée comme l'une des ascensions les plus difficiles au monde.
Le sentier commence avec 200m de pente, bien qu'il s'étende sur quelques kilomètres et ne soit pas trop fatigant. À ce stade, vous ne pouvez pas voir l'Eiger, mais les vues sur la vallée et les imposantes montagnes glaciaires sont incroyables et il y a quelque chose à regarder dans toutes les directions.
Il ne vous faudra pas longtemps pour atteindre la zone d'observation de l'Eiger. Il y a environ 2 km dans le sentier et il y aura probablement un petit rassemblement de gens et peut-être quelques vaches locales. Ici, vous regarderez vers la montagne Eiger et si vous lisez les panneaux, vous pouvez même identifier le chemin que les grimpeurs utilisent pour escalader le mur de la face nord de l'Eiger.
La distance de la gare d'Eigergletscher à Alpiglen le long du sentier Eiger est de 6,5 km. La randonnée dure environ 2,5 heures, mais si vous passiez directement sans prendre de photos ou vous arrêter, ce serait bien moins de deux heures. Il pourrait être exécuté en moins d'une heure.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir l'intégralité du billet de blog ici: LA RANDONNÉE DE L'EIGER TRAIL: EIGERGLETSCHER À ALPIGLEN
Bachalpsee est l'un des plus beaux lacs alpins de Suisse, entouré de fleurs sauvages et orné d'une incroyable toile de fond de montagnes glaciaires. La beauté du lac Bachalpsee est que, car il y a un téléphérique pour First, il suffit d'une heure de marche de la première station au lac, bien qu'il soit situé à 2265 m d'altitude. En termes de tout avoir… c'est là-haut l'une des randonnées les plus impressionnantes à tous les niveaux près d'Interlaken!
Distance de randonnée: Après le téléphérique de First, la randonnée de First à Bachalpsee était de 3 km dans un sens et vous devrez revenir en arrière donc 6 km au total.
Durée de la randonnée: 2 heures de temps de déplacement. Avec les pauses, la natation et les photos, le temps total était de 3 heures de retour.
Difficulté de la randonnée: Très facile. Chemin de terre tout le long. Quelques pentes mais rien de trop important à seulement 188m de haut et 188m de bas.
Randonnée inclinée: 188m
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le blog complet ici: RANDONNÉE AU SOMMET DE FAULHORN VIA FIRST & BACHALPSEE
La Rotstock Via Ferrata est une montée épique juste à côté du célèbre mur de la face nord de l'Eiger. En utilisant un harnais, des escaliers et des escaliers métalliques, vous pouvez monter 400 mètres de pente jusqu'au point de vue panoramique à 360 degrés.
Pour ceux qui ne savent pas ce qu'est une Via Ferrata, c'est essentiellement une série d'échelles, de marches et d'escalade qui vous mènent vers le haut d'un mur. Vous portez un harnais et un clip dans un fil solide au début de la Via Ferrata. À partir de ce moment, vous êtes toujours connecté avec au moins un clip.
La distance totale de la randonnée était de 5 km depuis le début du sentier Eiger et jusqu'au sommet, puis redescend à la station Eigergletscher.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le blog complet ici: LE ROTSTOCK VIA FERRATA À EIGER, GRINDELWALD
Gleckstein Hut (Glecksteinhutte) se trouve au-dessus de Grindelwald avec une vue incroyable sur la vallée, tandis que des glaciers spectaculaires se profilent derrière dans les montagnes. C’est un endroit incroyable pour passer la nuit et profiter du lever et du coucher du soleil. À quelques centaines de mètres au-dessus de la cabane de Gleckstein se trouve le sommet du Chrinnerhorn, un sommet accessible sans expérience d'alpinisme mais avec des vues épiques vers la cabane de Gleckstein et sur Grindelwald.
La durée suggérée est de 3 heures et 50 minutes selon le panneau mais je suis monté en 1 heure et 34 minutes et je suis redescendu le lendemain en 58 minutes. Le chemin est un classement de sentier rouge et blanc mais a quelques zones exposées. Il y a du câble partout où le sentier est exposé. 1 100 m de dénivelé en défieront beaucoup, mais il y avait pas mal de randonneurs plus âgés qui montaient la cabane, donc une approche lente et régulière signifiera que la plupart sont capables.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le blog complet ici: RANDONNÉE À GLECKSTEIN HUT ET CHRINNENHORN PEAK
Bachalpsee est l'un des plus beaux lacs alpins de Suisse, entouré de fleurs sauvages et orné d'une incroyable toile de fond de montagnes glaciaires. La beauté du lac Bachalpsee est que, car il y a un téléphérique pour First, il suffit d'une heure de marche de la première station au lac, bien qu'il soit situé à 2265 m d'altitude.
Bachalpsee est l'un des lacs les plus spectaculaires de Suisse et probablement l'un des lacs les plus incroyables que vous trouverez lors d'une randonnée près d'Interlaken. Il est relativement facile de s'y rendre avec le téléphérique ou vous pouvez vous référer à une randonnée antérieure sur cette liste: de la Schynige Platte à First si vous souhaitez emprunter le long parcours aventureux.
Après le téléphérique de First, la randonnée de First à Bachalpsee était de 3 km dans un sens et vous devrez revenir en arrière donc 6 km au total.
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le billet de blog complet ici: RANDONNÉE AU LAC BACHALPSEE DE GRINDELWALD / FIRST
Zermatt est probablement la région la plus populaire de Suisse et pour cause. En été, c'est l'un des meilleurs endroits pour faire de la randonnée en Suisse et en hiver, c'est un haut lieu du ski. J'ai visité à la fin de l'été et j'ai été émerveillé par le pic du Cervin à partir de plusieurs sentiers différents. La ville sans voiture de Zermatt a gardé une grande partie de son charme d'origine bien qu'elle soit très chère et légèrement envahie par les touristes passionnés, elle y perd donc quelques points. Dans l'ensemble, cela valait vraiment la semaine que j'ai passée à parcourir des sentiers vraiment incroyables. Vous pouvez consulter mon guide de randonnée détaillé à Zermatt ici: 6 RANDONNÉES IMPRESSIONNANTES À ZERMATT
Le Hornlihutte (Hornli Hut) est le camp de base le plus courant pour la montée du Cervin. Cependant, la randonnée à Hornlihutte est une excellente randonnée en soi, comme je l'ai découvert. J'ai pris le téléphérique pour Schwarzsee et j'ai marché jusqu'à Hornlihutte pour le coucher du soleil, puis j'ai redescendu jusqu'à la ville de Zermatt au crépuscule, puis dans l'obscurité pour un voyage total de 16 kilomètres. A 3 260 mètres d'altitude, la cabane est un camp de base pour certains et un sommet pour d'autres.
Distance de randonnée: Schwarzsee à Hornlihutte est de 4 km avec 715 mètres de dénivelé. Évidemment, vous devez redescendre à Schwarzsee, ce qui fait au moins 8 km. Cependant, si vous allez au coucher du soleil ou si vous manquez le dernier téléphérique de 16h30, vous devrez marcher jusqu'à Zermatt. Ma distance totale de randonnée avec le retour à la rue principale de Zermatt était de 16,68 km.
Durée de la randonnée: Schwarzsee à Honlihutte devrait prendre environ 1,5 heures maximum. Mon voyage a duré 4 heures avec le retour à la rue principale de Zermatt.
Difficulté de la randonnée: La difficulté de la randonnée pour Hornlihutte était moyenne. De Schwarzsee au début de la crête, vous êtes sur un sentier balisé rouge et blanc qui est assez simple, bien que même sur ce sentier il y ait des sections rocheuses et quelques dénivelés bien que rien de dramatique. Une fois sur la crête, c'est un sentier alpin bleu et blanc. Cela signifie arrêter de marcher si vous n'êtes pas prêt à relever un petit défi. Il n'y avait rien d'extrême sur le sentier, mais vous pouvez vous attendre à des chutes, à quelques échelles et à un peu de gravir des rochers. Chaque fois que les rochers étaient difficiles à grimper, il y avait des chevilles, des cordes ou des chaînes métalliques pour vous guider. Je n'ai trouvé aucun moment sur ce sentier très dangereux si vous êtes calme avec les hauteurs et utilisez les chaînes et cordes d'aide fournies. J'espère que cela vous aidera à décider si cette randonnée vous convient. Reportez-vous à mes photos ci-dessous pour des exemples de tombants et d'échelles.
Randonnée inclinée: 967m de montée totale avec plus de 1500m de déclin (si vous redescendez sur la rue principale de Zermatt)
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le blog complet ici: HORNLIHUTTE HIKE «MATTERHORN BASE CAMP» À ZERMATT
La randonnée des 5 lacs est l'un des sentiers de randonnée les plus populaires de Zermatt, car il est accessible à tous et a une escalade raide minimale. Le long de l'itinéraire se trouvent cinq lacs magnifiques où vous pouvez créer des reflets du Cervin à angle droit. C'est une super journée et relativement facile pour toute la famille.
De la ville de Zermatt, vous prenez un train sur le plateau (vous faites la plupart de l'inclinaison dans le train), puis terminez la boucle en vérifiant chacun des lacs sur le sentier. Par temps clair, le Cervin se reflète dans plusieurs des lacs, ce qui est toujours un grand plaisir pour la foule. Il s'agit d'une randonnée beaucoup moins intense que beaucoup en raison de la pente inférieure, bien qu'il reste encore quelques collines à affronter, alors ne vous attendez pas à une promenade complète dans le parc. C’est la randonnée estivale parfaite à Zermatt.
Distance de randonnée: La boucle entière est de 6 km
Durée de la randonnée: La randonnée devrait prendre environ 3 heures si vous vous arrêtez à chaque lac et vous promenez un peu. La durée totale de la marche ne doit pas dépasser 2 heures.
Difficulté de la randonnée: Très faible difficulté. Convient aux familles.
Randonnée inclinée: 241 mètres
Vous voulez plus de détails et de photos? Voir le blog complet ici: LA RANDONNÉE DES 5 LACS À ZERMATT (VUES MATTERHORN)
La randonnée de Riffelalp à Gornergrat vous emmène sur l'un des itinéraires les plus pittoresques de Zermatt. The Matterhorn is in your sights for most of the journey as you pass by several lakes with perfect reflections of the mighty Matterhorn. There are two highlights of this hike in Zermatt. The first is the reflections of the Matterhorn in the Riffelsee (lake). Many come all the way to Zermatt and spend big bucks on the train up here to see this very reflection. You can hike your way up if you prefer the challenge and it’s one of the best day-hikes in Zermatt. The second highlight is looking out over the incredible Gornergrat Glacier, which is mindblowing in size and you really get an idea of the evolution of the glacier over time.
When you reach the Gornergrat Hotel you can relax, enjoy lunch and take in the views of the epic Gorner Glacier (Gornergletscher), which is located directly below the hotel.
Hike Distance: The total distance from the Riffelalp train station to Gornergrat Hotel via Riffelsee is 6 kilometers. You can then catch the Gornergratbahn back down to Zermatt. My total loop was 20km from Riffelalp to Riffelsee to Gornergrat to Hohtalli to Zermatt.
Hike Duration: From Riffelalp to Gornergrat you are expecting it to take about 2 to 2.5 hours.
Hike Difficulty: The hike difficulty for Riffelsee from Riffelalp was very low. There was some incline but the path was always very clear and quite flat. Suitable for children. From Riffelsee to Gornergrat the trail is quite steep but there are no sections with any real danger. From Gornergrat to Hohtalli (I’ll explain later in the blog), there was some exposure and rock scrambling.
Hike Incline: From Riffelalp to Hotel Gornergrat Kulm the incline is 900m. The altitude at Hotel Gornergrat Kulm is 3,100 meters.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: THE GORNERGRAT HIKE FROM RIFFELALP IN ZERMATT
The Matterhorn Glacier Trail hike in Zermatt is a great walking trail that winds underneath the Matterhorn. It is one of the best day-hikes in Zermatt and definitely one of the top places to see the Matterhorn from a very close distance without having to do any crazy incline or hiking. For an epic view of the Matterhorn with lots of lake reflection shots, this is my top recommendation for a hiking trail in Zermatt.
This hiking trail is one of the top picks for families and tourists who would like to experience the Matterhorn but aren’t looking for a huge adventure. With just 150m of the total incline, it’s one of the best easy hikes in Zermatt. By taking the cable car all the way up to the top, you actually do a point-to-point route instead of a loop so a lot of the trail is downhill and you finish at a different cable car station to get back to Zermatt town. It’s 500m downhill and 150m of uphill work so you can see it is less challenging the many other hikes in Zermatt.
Hike Distance: 6.4km from Trockener Steg to Schwarzsee
Hike Duration: 2-3 hours
Hike Difficulty: Very low. The total incline is 150m and decline 500m Sometimes rocky trail but never any danger or exposed trail.
Hike Incline: 150m total climb with 500m of decline.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: THE MATTERHORN GLACIER TRAIL HIKE IN ZERMATT
The Hohbalmen sunrise hike in Zermatt is an aggressive way to start your day with a 1,100m climb to a beautiful viewpoint with clear views of Matterhorn. It isn’t the most popular hike in Zermatt, which is because it is a very aggressive hike and you can get similar views with much less effort on other trails. However, this is a beautiful viewpoint for sunrise and you won’t share this trail with many others. I really loved the early wake-up and the adventure up to this viewpoint and it was one hell of a workout.
Hike Distance: The hike from Zermatt to Hohbalmen viewpoint and to return is 10km. However, there are lots of routes that continue from Hohbalmen that can make it a 20km loop. I just went up to the viewpoint and down and it was 10km.
Hike Duration: The hike took me 2 hours and 50 minutes although it would be more likely to take 3-5 hours round-trip for an average pace of hiking.
Hike Difficulty: The hike is not exposed and there are no dangers. The incline to the viewpoint is very aggressive with 1000m of incline within the first 4km, which is a lot to handle for many people…, especially before a coffee!
Hike Incline: Starting point at Zermatt Town: 1608m – Hohbalmen Viewpoint: 2,673m
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: HOHBALMEN SUNRISE HIKE IN ZERMATT – MATTERHORN VIEWPOINT
The Riffelsee (Riffel Lake) Hike may just be the best spot in Zermatt to find the perfect reflection photo of the mighty Matterhorn. A train takes you to Riffelalp before you hike around the mountain with constant views of the Matterhorn until you end up at Riffelsee and witness the amazing reflection.
The Riffelsee is amazing at sunset or sunrise but quite difficult to get to at those hours as the train is usually finished. Therefore it is quite a mission to hike in the dark before sunrise or after sunset. Adventurers love this challenge to see the alpenglow on the Matterhorn reflecting in the lake. There are usually some diehard photographers at the lake who have made the effort. Once you are up there at the lake it is one of the nicest walks in Zermatt in my opinion.
Hike Distance: The total distance from Riffelalp train station to Riffelsee via the Riffelseeweg is just 4.1km. You can then catch the Gornergratbahn back down to Zermatt. However, I suggest you continue hiking up to Gornergrat and keep exploring. My total loop was 20km from Riffelalp to Riffelsee to Gornergrat to Hohtalli to Zermatt.
Hike Duration: From Riffelalp to Riffelsee you are expecting it to take about 1.5 hours.
Hike Difficulty: The hike difficulty for Riffelsee from Riffelalp was very low. There was some incline but the path was always very clear and quite flat. Suitable for children.
Hike Incline: From Riffelalp to Riffelsee the incline is just under 600m of climbing. Riffelsee is at 2,762 meters above sea level.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: RIFFELSEE LAKE HIKE IN ZERMATT WITH MATTERHORN REFLECTION
Chur was a bit of a surprise packet for me. No-one recommended me to visit Chur to be honest but I found it a great little base to explore a number of hikes in the region. While the best hiking seemed to be just outside of the town of Chur itself (but still nearby) the town was quite lovely and quiet and its central location made it easy to navigate the region by train. I wouldn’t recommend Chur if you just had a short amount of time in Switzerland but if you are doing a long hiking tour like myself or don’t mind getting off the beaten path and away from the hotspots you will find some gems near Chur. You can view my in-depth hiking guide to Chur here: 7 AWESOME HIKES NEAR CHUR
The Rhine Gorge is often referred to as the ‘Swiss Grand Canyon’, and while that may be a bit of a stretch in terms of comparison, it is an impressive gorge and a great location for hiking. The strange rock formations, cliffs, and blue-tinted water make the Rhine River and the gorge one of the most unique attractions in Switzerland.
There are multiple hiking routes through the gorge but with lots of entry and exit points, as well as a train running through the gorge itself, you have lots of options for your adventure. The hikes can range from a few kilometers to a huge 21-kilometer journey. Many visitors prefer to take a train ride through the gorge or a great option for non-hikers is to enjoy the viewing platform overlooking the Rhine Gorge.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: RHINE GORGE RIVER HIKE & VIEWPOINT ‘SWISS GRAND CANYON’
The Via Ferrata (Klettersteig) in Flims is an epic series of staircases and ladders on the edge of a cliff that winds up hundreds of meters above the valley. From the summit, you have incredible views of Crestasee, Caumasee and the entire region of Flims
The Pinut Via Ferrata is actually the oldest of it’s kind in all of Switzerland and was opened in 1907. For those who are nervous hearing about climbing a century-old ladder, fear not. This Via Ferrata is maintained by the tourism board and was fully renovated in 2007.
The first part of the Pinut Via Ferrata is, in my opinion, the most spectacular. There is a huge spire that you pass by on the boardwalks in between scaling the ladders up the cliffside. It is a really unique rock formation and by walking upon the cliffside you get a close-up inspection. The route then continues up the wall and actually leads you inside some caves and small tunnels, all the while connected to the strong cable, which keeps you safe throughout the hike. From within the tunnels and caves, you can see out the gaps all the way down to Flims and the lakes.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: PINUT VIA FERRATA (KLETTERSTEIG) IN FLIMS – EPIC CLIFFSIDE STAIRWAY
The hike to the Muttsee Hut (Muttseehutte) is one of the stranger journeys I’ve made in Switzerland but the end result is incredible. The adventure begins in Linthal where you need to walk 6.7km’s to the Tierfehd cable car and then 3-kilometers through a dark, wet tunnel before emerging at the Limerensee. The trail then winds up a very steep mountain until you reach some epic viewpoints of the Limerensee and, of course, the Muttsee Hut.
Hike Distance: The hike distance from the top of the Tierfehd Cable car through the tunnel and to the Muttsee Hut is 5.8 kilometers. However, if you are using public transport, you will need to walk from the Linthal train station to Tierfehd cable car station, which is an extra 6.7km and a total of 12.5 kilometers. As of 2019, there is no bus or transport service just one taxi available in the town. If you have a car you can park at the cable car station. The hike is a round-trip hike so you will need to make the entire 10.6 kilometers without the walk from Linthal or 25 kilometers including the journey to and from Linthal.
Hike Duration: As mentioned above, it depends on whether you have to make the journey from Linthal or you are starting at the Tierfehd cable car station. If you begin at Linthal, you can expect the entire journey to take about 4-5 hours. If you begin at Tierfehd the journey will take 2-3 hours.
Hike Difficulty: The hike is a red and white marked trail and quite simple. I did the hike in October on the last week of opening for Muttsee Hut and even with a bit of snow around it was quite simple. The areas of difficulty are a few narrow paths with exposure on one side but these narrow paths are still at least one meter wide and there are chains in these sections.
The incline is challenging from the end of the tunnel to the Muttsee Hut and is non-stop ascent although it is only 5-600m of incline so if you are prepared to take a few breaks you will make it eventually, no matter your physical ability.
Hike Incline: From Linthal the total incline is 900-1000m but from the Tierfehd cable car station the total hiking incline (once getting off the cable car at the start of the tunnel) is 600m.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: MUTTSEE HUT HIKE VIA LIMERENSEE LAKE
Crestasee and Caumasee are two stunning lakes near Chur. You can catch the public bus from Chur city center out to Crestasee and then do a circle of that lake before following the circuit path through the forest to reach Caumasee, which is the second lake.
Crestasee is a beautiful lake surrounded by a forest with a backdrop of mountain ridges. I visited in the fall so the trees were changing colors and create some stunning reflections on the steaming lake in the early morning. Caumasee, on the other hand, is a huge lake, where many tourists come to visit the cafe, take a walk and even have a swim in the summer.
The entire circuit takes about two hours with a stop at each lake but you can extend the route by hiking down to the Rhine Gorge viewpoint called ‘Il Spir’. We even hiked down into the gorge after visiting the two lakes and this made the entire day a 21km hike but if you just want a small adventure to the lakes it is just a few kilometers between the Crestasee and Caumasee.
While the Lunersee (lake) is actually in Austria, the viewing point we went to is right on the Swiss side of the border. Funnily enough, you could actually walk down to the lake from where we were and be crossing the border into Austria.
The hike to Lunersee Lake is quite an interesting adventure because although we were in Switzerland and hiked all the way to the viewpoint above the lake, it is actually in Austria. If you went down to walk around the Lunersee Lake, you would have crossed the border and entered Austria. The hike itself is long and full of adventure with some chains and exposure towards the end. The shape of the lake is a love-heart but only when viewed from certain angles such as the Gamsluggen viewpoint in Switzerland.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: LUNERSEE HIKE – LOVE HEART LAKE VIEWPOINT AT GAMSLUGGEN
This hike near Chur epic 12km loop trail that takes you to multiple lakes and then to the summit of Jorihorn where you have epic views of Joriseen and the Swiss Alps. The trail takes you past each of the lakes in the valley before summitting the Jorihorn for the sunset view of a lifetime.
Hike Distance: The entire loop was 12.75km but if you don’t summit Jorihorn the loop is just 11km.
Hike Duration: The whole loop including Jorihorn will take 5-6 hours including rest times but you could bargain for an extra hour if you take lunch down by the lakes. The incline sections and Jorihorn climb are not quick parts of the trail. Our actual moving time or hiking time was just over three hours but we made a lot of photo stops and had a 1-hour lunch and drone-stop.
Hike Difficulty: The incline is what makes this hike a little challenging although it is spread out in different sections so it isn’t one big block of climbing. There are no dangerous spots on this trail with high exposure although many spots do have a big drop on one side a chain is offered. Usual care needs to be taken. Children can do this hike but with many drop-offs, close supervision would be advised. The climb to Jorihorn is more difficult than the regular loop with exposure on both sides, steep slippery slopes and rock clambering required. Keep in mind, I did this hike in October so it would be much safer all around if there was no snow.
Hike Incline: 1002 meters.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: JORISEEN LAKE & JORIHORN SUMMIT HIKE IN DAVOS
Now this one isn’t right in Appenzell and took about two hours by train to reach there. We left our luggage at our hotel in Chur for one night and returned the next day after our overnight at the Spitzmeilen Hut. Why not hike to the Spitzmeilen Hut (Spitzmeilenhutte) for a beautiful overnight stay before climbing the Spitzmeilen Peak and the Wissmeilen Peak in the morning!? We did this hike after the first snowfall of the year and while a little dangerous, the views were magical from Spitzmeilen Peak!
Hike Distance: The hike from Tannenboden to Spitzmeilen Hut (after catch the cable car from Unterterzen) was 11.6 kilometers. The next day the hike from Spitzmeilen Hut to Spitzmeilen Peak to Wissmeilen Peak and then down to Engi was 14.17 kilometers. You could take a cable car up further and walk a shorter distance to Spitzmeilen Hut and Engi is not the shortest route down. Therefore there are many ways to make it shorter but this is definitely one of the most scenic routes totaling just over 25km over two days.
Hike Duration: We did the hike over two days. Day one from Tannenboden to Spitzmeilen Hut took just under 3 hours of moving time but 4.5 hours including stops, photos. Day two from Spitzmeilen Hut to Spitzmeilen Peak to Wissmeilen Peak to Engi took 3.5 hours of moving time but 6-7 hours in total including a lot of photos, hanging out at the summit and many stops along the way.
Hike Difficulty: The hike from Tannenboden to Spitzmeilen Hut is very low difficulty and is mostly through vast valleys once you are up the initial incline.
The climb to Spitzmeilen was quite difficult in the snow with some exposure and then, of course, the climb up Spitzmeilen summit is not easy. There are chains in place to help you climb but you will need to be in pretty good shape despite the chains. There is no technical rock climbing required but the worst-case scenario is losing grip of the chain or slipping and you will have a 20m drop onto rocks. Not being dramatic, just trying to prepare you for that last little climb. If you are comfortable climbing on a slight angle with a chain to help it shouldn’t be too difficult. I’ve included photos below to help you decide if it is beyond your ability or worth attempting. It is advised to wear a helmet in case of falling rocks.
From Spitzmeilen to Wissmeilen and Wissmeilen Pass the trail is quite exposed and is not always a great path. Again, I did this trail in the snow so I imagine it is much easier in the summer as it is marked as a red and white trail, although for us it felt like an alpine route!
Hike Incline: Tannenboden to Spitzmeilen Hut: 854m Spitzmeilen Hut to Spitzmeilen to Wissmeilen to Engi: 453m incline (Decline: 1657m)
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: HIKING TO THE SPITZMEILEN HUT AND SPITZMEILEN PEAK
I’m actually a little dissapointed this region is so low in the blog post but they can’t all be at the top. It’s actually up there as one of my favoite regions in Switzerland. The town of Appenzell is quite small and nothing too much is going on although it is quite traditional and picturesque. All of the good hiking happens in the Alpstein region, where you can do a hut-to-hut mountain hiking tour or individual day hikes. I tried to reach every peak in this region and made a pretty good effort and even stayed overnight in the huts. For a full, in-depth guide to the hikers near Appenzell and in the Alpstein region you can click here: 9 AWESOME HIKES IN APPENZELL
The Schäfler Hut (Schäflerhutte) is perched up above the incredible Schäfler Ridge, which is one of the most dramatic sections of the Alpstein region in Appenzellerland. If there is one hike you should do while in Appenzell it is this. You get so much along the way and then the finishing viewpoint is this incredible ridge, which will blow your mind.
The hike starts in Wasserauen and then takes you up the mountain to the world-famous Aescher Cliff Restaurant, before passing through Ebenalp and then up to Schäflerhutte and Schäfler Ridge. I advise staying overnight at the mountain hut so you can enjoy the sunset and the sunrise at this amazing spot. For me, this is one of the top hikes in Appenzell easily!
Hike Distance: The hike distance from Wasserauen to Schäfler Hut is 7.5km. However, I suggest walking and exploring along the Schäfler Ridge, which will add an extra kilometer or two onto your tally. Bargain for about 8.5 kilometers one-way.
Hike Duration: The total hiking time from Wasserauen to Schäfler Hut will be about three hours but depends a lot on your pace up 1200m of incline. I did the trail in just over 2 hours but was on quite a mission for pace. 3-4 hours will be enough time to reach the Schäfler Hut at a modest pace.
Hike Difficulty: The hike is a red and white marked trail and quite simple. The incline will get a lot of people but there are no dangerous drop-offs or moments of high exposure. It is a trail that is very possible for children and the family dog.
Hike Incline: From Wasserauen to Schäfler Hut the total incline is: 1,230m
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: SCHÄFLER RIDGE HIKE AND MOUNTAIN HUT
The Saxer Lücke hike from Hoher Kasten takes you along a stunning ridge looking over Samtisersee until you reach the epic Saxer Lücke Ridgeline! It can be started from either Hoher Kasten or Staubern. I did it from Hoher Kasten and it was a 17km hike for the whole route.
This hike near Appenzell really gives you a lot throughout the whole way as you peer down into the valley on your left throughout the trail until you reach the sharp cliffs of Saxer Lücke at the end of the trail before making your way down to Falensee to finish the hiking trail.
Hike Distance: The entire loop is 17km
Hike Duration: The hike should take about 5 hours depending on how long you stop at Staubern and Saxer Lücke
Hike Difficulty: The majority of the trail is flat or downhill. There aren’t many points at all with much exposure so I definitely would say this is possible for families, especially the fact that you can start at Staubern and cut some of the distance off. There was a trail the whole way, mostly dirt, gravel, and sometimes a little rocky.
Hike Incline: 450 meters
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: SAXER LÜCKE HIKE FROM HOHER KASTEN
Wasserauen is quite simply a remarkable hiking hub for some of the best peaks in Switzerland. The regional mountain map is overflowing with options for trails that all seemingly intertwine, allowing you to plan your own route depending on your desired time and difficulty. We decided to begin our hike in Wasserauen and climb up through the forest to Ascher Restaurant and Ebenalp peak before descending down through the forest below the restaurant to reach Seaalpsee, which is the stunning Alpine lake that sits in the valley below all of the formidable peaks above).
The hike up to Ascher Cliff Restaurant can also be done by a cable car but that wouldn’t be much of a hike. You can also link this hike with other points of interest in the Alpstein Mountain Range such as Schäfler Ridge
Hike Duration: 4 hours
Hike Difficulty: Some steep climbs. No technical climbing or rock climbing. The path the whole way. Moderate overall. Kids were on the trail.
Hike Incline: Wasserauen 876m to Ebenalp 1644m.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: ASCHER, EBENALP & SEEALPSEE HIKE FROM WASSERAUEN
The Three Lakes Hike in Alpstein takes you on a scenic, but challenging walk to the Seealpsee, Fallensee, and Samtisersee. The route. The 17.3km trail has 1100+ meters of incline and while the trail is quite safe, the incline can be challenging and this is definitely no walk around the lake. Each of the three lakes is incredible in their own way and will blow you away.
Hike Distance: The entire route is 17.34 kilometers
Hike Duration: The hike should take around 6-8 hours in total depending on how long you spend at each lake.
Hike Difficulty: The incline is what makes this hike a little challenging although it is spread out in different sections so it isn’t one big block of climbing. There are no dangerous spots on this trail with high exposure although many spots do have a big drop on one side. Usual care needs to be taken. Children can do this hike but with many drop-offs, close supervision would be advised.
Hike Incline: 1150 meters.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: THREE LAKES HIKE IN THE ALPSTEIN REGION
The Lisengrat ridge hike is one of the most epic sections of trail I encountered on my adventures throughout Switzerland. Between Säntis peak and Altmann, this narrow ridge is known as the toughest part of the Alpstein Loop. I attempted the Lisengrat ridge while completing the entire Alpstein Loop, which is up there with my favorite hiking route in Switzerland.
Hike Distance: This depends on where you enter and exit along the Alpstein Mountain Range but the journey from Santis to Altmann is only a few kilometers.
Hike Duration: The hike should take around 1-2 hours in total.
Hike Difficulty: This was a very technical section of the Alpstein Mountain Range and I would say that you need to be experienced and exercise a high degree of caution. It is also recommended to only do this route on a dry day.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: LISENGRAT: EPIC RIDGE HIKE BETWEEN SÄNTIS AND ALTMANN
Seealpsee is one of the most beautiful alpine lakes in Switzerland and can be found in the Alpstein region of Appenzell. The lake can be reached in under an hour from Wasserauen Train Station or with more strenuous hiking routes throughout Alpstein. This ease of accessibility and moderate incline make it one of the most popular attractions in the Alpstein and Appenzell regions.
- My first visit was in the summer when I hiked up to Ascher, Ebenalp and then down through the forest to Seealpsee. You can read that blog post here.
- The second visit was part of the ‘Alpstein 3 Lakes Hike’, which includes Samtisersee and Falensee. You can read that blog post here.
- The final visit was the final stop on my Alpstein Loop hike, which was a great way to finish my favorite overnight adventure in Switzerland.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: SEEALPSEE HIKE IN APPENZELL – EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW
The Mount Säntis hike is one in the Alpstein region is one of the most spectacular trails in Switzerland. It’s possible to trek to the top of Mount Säntis as part of the Alpstein loop or as a straight ascent. Once you reach the top you will find incredible viewing platforms and a large restaurant. There is also a cable car servicing Mount Säntis so you can choose to hike just one way and catch the cable-car either up or down. No matter how you reach the Säntis Peak, the view of the Alpstein region from the summit is magical.
There are quite a few different ways to reach Mount Säntis, so it is difficult to share the one defined route. What I will do is tell you your options and then share with you the route I took, which in general is the most epic and complete hike called the Alpstein Loop.
- The first option (which I did) is the Alpstein Loop. You begin at Wasserauen and hiked up to Ebenalp, onto Schäfler Hut and then up to Ohrli then finally onto Mount Säntis. From here you begin the descent down Lisengrat to Rotsteinpass, to Meglisalp, to Seebergsee, and finally back to Wasserauen station. Generally, you will spend at least one night at one of the mountain huts. Schäfler Hut is a good place to stay overnight or if you come in the other direction Rostein Hut is a good choice. This route is best done over 2-3 days.
- The second option is to hike up to Mount Säntis from either of those directions. Essentially, you will take half of the Alpstein Loop and then catch the cable car down. This makes the summit and descent possible in one day.
- The third option is to head up via Seebergsee and then Mesmer. I’ve never done this route so I cannot comment on its difficulty level but it is listed on the map below.
- The fourth option is to hike up from Meglisalp up to Säntis via Wagenlucke but again this is not an average route and I cannot comment on the difficulty. It is also listed on the map below.
- The fifth option is to hike up from Schwagalp. This is where the cable car is so many park their car here and then either hike up or down taking the cable car either up or down to make the hike more manageable.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: MOUNT SÄNTIS HIKE IN ALPSTEIN, SWITZERLAND
The Falensee (Falen Lake) is an incredible alpine lake situated next to the Bollenwees Mountain Hut in the Alpstein region of Appenzell. It can be an adventure in itself or part of several hikes nearby. The Bollenwees Mountain Hut, which is right next to the Falensee, is a great overnight stay and base camp for sunset and sunrise missions in the surrounding lakes and peaks.
I visited the Falensee on two occasions. The first visit was part of the ‘Alpstein Three Lakes Hike‘ and the second occasion was at the end of the Hoher Kasten to Saxer Lucke Hike. However, you can also hike in from Brulisau just to stay overnight at Bollenwees and visit the Falensee. In this blog post, I will detail all of the options to visit the Falensee and what other hikes you could do when using Falensee and Bollenwees as a base camp.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: FALENSEE (FALEN LAKE) HIKE – EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW
Engelberg is one of the most underrated regions in Switzerland. It’s home to the famous Mount Titlis but most visitors just take the cable car up Mount Titlis then move on with their short Switzerland vacation. However, there are a number of great hikes and mountain huts to explore in this region, which I actually visited twice. For an in-depth guide to hiking in Engleberg you can check this out: 5 AWESOME HIKES IN ENGELBERG
The Four Lakes hike in Engelberg takes you on a high-altitude mountain trail as you visit four lakes on this stunning one-way hike. The trail can be walked in either direction with endpoints being Truebsee Lake and Melchsee Lake. There is also an optional (very epic) sunset viewpoint on this trail we visited by accident.
This beautiful hiking trail near Engelberg leads you through a valley of lakes, farmhouses, and thriving cow populations before finishing at one of the most spectacular viewpoints in Engelberg. We finished at the viewpoint with a great sunset while overlooking Titlis Mountain.
Hike Distance: 16.95km total distance from Melchsee to Truebsee (including a slight detour up towards Schafberg).
Hike Duration: 6 hours of elapsed time for us from Melchsee to Truebsee and 4 hours and 15 minutes of total moving time.
Hike Difficulty: The trail from Melchsee to Truebsee is relatively easy. There is nothing technical along the way and you almost always have a path, albeit a dirt trail. There is minimal rock scrambling but it does get steep if you add in the viewpoint close to Schafberggraus. Most of the way is a dirt path although there are some sections that are a mixture of rock and path. Most families will easily navigate their way to Truebsee from Melchsee despite the length of the journey.
Hike Incline: Total elevation was 1242m from Melchsee to Truebsee as we recorded. The hike starts in Melchsee at 1,891 meters of altitude and finishes at the Truebsee, which has an altitude of 1,764 meters.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: THE FOUR LAKES HIKE IN ENGELBERG
The hike to and from Rugghubelhutte is the adventure but dropping your bag down, enjoying a good meal in the mountains, and witnessing sunrise and sunset from the patio of the mountain hut is an experience I will never forget. I hiked up from Engelberg and was gifted an incredible, fiery red sunset and then after a great dinner and night of rest, the sunset produced another glowing display in the sky.
The trail winds up along the hills from Engelberg before merging into the mountains where you will forge your way towards the Rugghubelhutte, which is the mountain hut where you can stay the night and eat dinner and breakfast. The next day you can return down the mountain or venture over the ridge to Bannalpsee or other peaks in the region.
Hike Distance: The total distance of the hike depends on, which route you choose. I’ve listed the three most popular options below. Note that you will need a cable car to get to Ristis and Bannalpsee but not from Engelberg. I chose to hike up from Engelberg and then on the way down I went up to Rotgratli and continued on down to Bannalpsee, effectively seeing all the spots on the route (except Engelberger Rostock summit).
Engelberg to Rugghubelhutte: 10km
Ristis to Rughubelhutte: 6km
Bannalpsee to Rughubelhutte: 10km
Hike Duration: Again it depends on where you start from. My journey from Engelberg to Rugghubelhutte took 3 hours at a medium pace. The journey -through knee-deep snow- back to Bannalpsee took 3.5 hours but would be much, much quicker on a dry day.
Hike Difficulty: In the summer the hike difficulty is quite low. On the way up there are no exposed sections. The incline is quite a bit from Engelberg with 1200m of ascent to contend with but other than that a lot of the trail is actually a road so I would put this one at a low difficulty level.
Hike Incline: Total incline for the hike from Engelberg to Rugghubelhutte was 1,320m and elevation up to Rotgratli and down to Bannalpsee was 450m of climbing.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: ‘RUGGHUBELHUTTE’ MOUNTAIN HUT HIKE IN ENGELBERG
The Walenpfad hike in Engelberg starts off with a bang by circling Lake Harzli before pushing you into a steep ascent to overlook the lake. The trail then has a beautiful downhill segment towards Engelberg before rounding to the corner, through the forest, as you make your way to the finish point, the Brunnihutte. It’s a great hike for a slow-paced adventure to take in multiple vistas in the Engelberg region.
Hike Distance: The total distance of the hike was 10.6km starting at the Bannalpsee Lake and finishing at the Brunnihutte. However, we hiked down from the Brunnihutte as we stayed for sunset so the cable cars had definitely finished by then. That meant our total hike from Bannalpsee to Brunnihutte to Engelberg Town was 16.3km.
Hike Duration: Our total elapsed time from Bannalpsee to Engelberg Town was 5 hours and 41 minutes but the total moving time was only 3 hours and 41 minutes. We take lots of photos and stop to take in the scenery often.
Hike Difficulty: The Walenpfad hike is one of the easier hikes we’ve done out here in Switzerland. There were some moments of incline but the trail itself was always quite safe and there was no scrambling or rock bouldering necessary. This is a good hike for anyone who can handle the distance. I could imagine families, young children and dogs managing this hike fine especially with the cable car down from Brunnihutte.
Hike Incline: Total elevation from Bannalpsee to Brunnihute was 834m. We also grabbed about a kilometer of decline as well, which is often just as hard!
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: WALENPFAD HIKE IN ENGELBERG
Hiking in Switzerland is an incredible experience with some of the most amazing mountain views and summits in the world. However, you can take it to the next level and actually get off the hiking trail and climb directly up the mountain face on a ladder. It’s called Via Ferrata and you are clipped into a wire so it’s totally safe but also an adrenaline rush as you scale hundreds of meters up the rock face. The Via Ferrata in Fürenalp, Engelberg is known as one of the best routes in the country. It’s challenging but such an adventure!
Hike Distance: The total hike distance was 6.54 kilometers, which includes the 1km walk from the shop/ticket office to the start of the Via Ferrata. Not sure how accurate that was considering the ups and downs but that is how my Garmin watch recorded the day.
Hike Duration: Our total time from the shop to the wall to the summit was 4 hours and 12 minutes. Our total moving time was 2 hours and 17 minutes. We let a lot of other climbers pass us and went very slowly as always to take photos and just sit around and enjoy the views. It’s not the kind of activity to rush. It could be easily done from top to bottom in under two hours. You do need to catch the cable car down at the top or hike down, which adds a little extra time also.
Hike Difficulty: This route is rated K4 difficulty. I haven’t done too many Via Ferrata’s but I was told this is one of the more challenging ones out there. It was actually my first time ever and was a pretty simple concept of clicking in and out so don’t worry if you have little to no experience. We climbed 773 meters of an incline in total and a lot of it was ladders and metal pegs out of the wall. If you have any fears of heights don’t do this. If you aren’t in good shape… don’t do this. If you like adventure and want a challenge then go for it. There were several families doing it and a young boy so it’s nothing crazy but definitely not for everyone.
Hike Incline: The total incline for the day was 773m from the shop to Fürenalp. The hike starts in at the ticket-shop/Fürenalp cable car office and finished at an altitude of 1811m.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: EPIC VIA FERRATA AT FÜRENALP IN ENGELBERG
The Aa Gorge Trail (Aaschlucht) is a mystical trail that leads you through a dense forest. 10+ bridge crossings over the river make it an exciting journey! The trail begins in the heart of Engelberg, arching around the lake before descending into the forest. From there you follow the trail alongside the river, making a number of crossings back and forth until the trail emerges from the forest.
I loved the mossy tree trunks, the smell of the forest and the beautiful waterfalls and rockpools on this trail. Watch out for the tree tunnel as well!
Hike Distance: The total distance of the Aa Gorge Trail is 8.9 kilometers from Engelberg Train Station to Grafenort Train Station.
Hike Duration: The hike should take about two hours.
Hike Difficulty: Difficulty is very low. Suitable for children, families, and dogs. It can be a bit slippery but other than that there are no dangers. Some parts of the trail are exposed down to the river but the path is wide and relatively flat.
Hike Incline: The trail has 435 meters of incline if you begin at Grafenort and finish at Engelberg. In reverse, you only have 9 meters of incline if you start at Engelberg and it is mostly a downhill walk.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: THE AA GORGE TRAIL – BEAUTIFUL FOREST WALK IN ENGELBERG
Throughout my three months in Switzerland I moved around quite a bit and sometimes only did one hike in a specific region rather than base there for a couple of weeks. These hikes in the ‘Other’ section are actually epic hikes but they just don’t quite fit into one of the regions above although you can reach many from the regions listed earlier. For example I visited Trift Hut from Interlaken but it was a 2-hour transit so I prefer not to suggest that from Interlaken. So don’t be put off by the ‘Other’ tag, some of these are up there with the best hikes in Switzerland like the Trift Hut and Oeschinensee Hike.
The Trift Bridge and Trift Hut hike is an incredible 12km journey from Nessental Station or a shorter version of just 6km can be hiked from Triftbahn Station. Along the route you will pass the Trift Suspension Bridge that crosses the Triftsee, which was amazing! You can also visit Windegg Hut and of course enjoy the Trift Glacier views at the Trift Hut where it’s great to stay overnight.
*The Trift Hut and Trift Bridge may also be referred to as the Trifthutte and Triftbrucke.
Hike Distance: The hike from Nessental Station to Trift Hut is 12km, which is what I did. The return route would also be the same unless you detour to Windegg Hut for an extra couple of kilometers. Making it a 24km return trip approximately. However, if you prefer a shorter route, you can take the Triftbahn from Nessental Station to Triftbahn Station, which will cut off 500m of incline and 6km of hiking. You still get to see the Trift Suspension Bridge if you take the cable car.
Hike Duration: The suggested durations are:
- 7 hours from Nessental to Trift Hut
- 5 hours from Triftbahn Station to Trift Hut
- 3 hours from Trift Suspension Bridge to Trift Hut.
It took me 3 hours and 23 minutes from Nessental to Trift Hut going at a quick pace and breathing pretty hard up the hills.
Hike Difficulty: From Nessental all the way to the Trift Suspension Bridge, the path is classified as a red and white hiking trail. This means that it is quite ‘doable’ for most hikers although there is quite a bit of incline. The path is a blue and white alpine rating from Trift Bridge to Trift Hut and has ladders, interesting river crossings and a number of exposed areas. There are cables and ladders wherever the trail is exposed.
Hike Incline: Starting point at Nessental Station: 1,356m – Triftbahn Station: 2,663m – Trift Hut: 630m
A Sunday morning on the Gastlosen hiking trail was a quintessential Swiss experience. There was epic, panoramic mountain views, friendly hikers of all ages on the trail, ‘bonjour’ being thrown around every few steps, coffee and cake back at the cabin restaurant and it was all topped off by the owner playing the Fribourg anthem on the Alpine Horn. It was a morning not to be forgotten.
The regular way to hike at Gastlosen is to do the circular, panoramic route. However, we did the much more entertaining and challenging summit of Wandflue. With some serious incline over a short-period, some rock scrambling long the ridge and some decent drop-offs this was quite an exhilerating hike with vast views in all directions.
Hike Distance: From the parking lot to the summit and return the hike is almost 10 kilometers exactly.
Hike Duration: 2.5 to 3 hours of moving time.
Hike Difficulty: Trail begins on a wide, steep path. Then progresses to dirt and rocky path, which is still steep. Progresses again to rock, grass, gravel where some hands may be required but it is not extremely technical. 700m of the incline in 5km so it is quite steep.
Hike Incline: Total elevation throughout the hike 800m total incline on the out and back loop.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: GASTLOSEN HIKING TRAIL: THE DOLOMITES OF SWITZERLAND
Rochers de Naye hike takes you to a summit near above Montreux that has arguably the best view of Lake Geneva. Depending on the weather you may also be above the clouds, which is always an incredible experience. It is possible to hike up or take the train to the summit or if you are feeling adventurous there is even a Via Ferrata option.
Like many hikes in Switzerland, you can take the train up and down or just one-way and hike the other. We caught the train up and hiked down and had an amazing time winding down the mountain. At the summit there is a caldera like formation with a mountain hut on top at the train station. It’s often above the clouds and has great views over Lake Geneva so there is a lot to see from the summit.
Hike Distance: 13km one-way. Probably best to choose either to hike up or down otherwise prepare for 7+ hours of hiking.
Hike Duration: This depends on whether you hike up, down or both. It can range from 3-10 hours depending on what you choose. To hike down from Rochers de Naye should take no more than 3 hours.
Hike Difficulty: Steep but safe and not technical. Some walking through the forest on a dirt trail.
Hike Incline: Starting point at Montreux: 396m – Rochers de Naye: 2,042m
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: ROCHERS DE NAYE HIKE FROM MONTREUX, SWITZERLAND
Stockhorn is a beautiful peak that overlooks two stunning alpine lakes, Oberstockensee and Hinterstockensee. At 2,190m the panorama viewpoint and restaurant atop the Stockhorn provides 360-degree views of the Erlenbach region and beyond. The adventure began with a cable car up to the Stockhorn Summit. You can hike up but it will be a long adventure to hike up and down so maybe choose to either go up or down on the cable car unless you are keen for a huge day.
Once at the summit we explored the peaks, which overlook several of the lakes in the area before descending down during sunset to enjoy the reflections at lake-level. It was a beautiful hike and pretty low-key. Most tourists just visit the viewpoint with the cable car so the hiking routes weren’t too busy!
Hike Distance: Depends on the route taken as there are many on offer. We clocked 11.2kms from the top down including our stop at Oberstockensee.
Hike Duration: 5 hours (Again this depends on whether you hike up, down or both. It can range from 3-10 hours depending on what you choose.
Hike Difficulty: Steep but safe and not technical. Some walking through the forest on a dirt trail and steep descent through farm fields.
Hike Incline: Starting point at Erlenbach: 700m – Stockhorn: 2,190
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: STOCKHORN & OBERSTOCKENSEE HIKE IN SWITZERLAND
Seebergsee is a stunning alpine lake surrounded by beautiful grass hills and a couple of steep viewpoint cliffs for adventurers. This lake can be reached almost all the way by car with a parking lot nearby although there are a few hiking options nearby. This would be a great location for a picnic, chill-out day with friends in the summer as you can actually swim and cool-off in the lake.
While we made our Seebergsee adventure into a pretty interesting little hike, many families just do the short trail to the lake. We hiked up onto the cliffs above the lake and chilled up there before trekking down to swim in the icy water.
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: SEEBERGSEE LAKE & EPIC VIEWPOINT HIKE IN SWITZERLAND
Le Moleson to Teysachaux is a fun but challenging day-hike that involves a little bit of rock-scrambling to reach epic panoramic views of Gruyeres in the Fribourg region. The hike can be done in its entirety or by using a cable car to head up and down the majority of the incline, meaning you can enjoy the variable ups and downs of the ridge between Le Moleson and Teysachaux without having to work too hard!
Hike Distance: Without cable car from Le Moleson Summit to Teysachaux Summit and Return was 13km
Hike Duration: 3-hours of moving time. With breaks and photos, total time was 5 hours.
Hike Difficulty: Steep in parts. Parking lot to Moleson was very safe with no drop-offs or climbing. The final climb up to Teysachaux was technical with moderate rock-clambering required but no moments of exposure as it was climbing up a linear incline. Minimal chance of falling off of the cliff face. That section of trail was rocky but only lasted for 15-20 minutes.
Hike Incline: Total elevation throughout the hike 719m
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: LE MOLESON TO TEYSACHAUX HIKING TRAIL IN SWITZERLAND
Mount Pilatus is a 2073m summit, which you can reach with a 2-hour hike or by using the worlds steepest cogwheel train to the summit where you will find a hotel, restaurant and of course amazing views. From the summit, you can venture a little higher to Mount Tomlishorn, which is another stunning view and the highest peak in the region at 2,128 meters.
Mount Pilatus is one of the most popular hikes in Switzerland but for many, they take the cable car up or down… or both. We hiked up and down and it was a huge day, which you can read about in the link below. However, it was all worth it as we enjoyed the sunset at the summit, well after the last cable car and all the tourists were gone. It meant we had to hike down in the dark but that is often the way in Switzerland if you sacrifice the last cable car for the good sunset you will rarely regret it.
Hike Distance: Alpnachstad to Mount Pilatus: 8km – Alpnachstad to Tomlishorn: 1km – Tomlishorn to Kriens 13km
Hike Duration: Alpnachstad to Mount Pilatus 3.5 hours + 30 minutes to Tomlishorn + 3 hours to Kriens.
Hike Difficulty: Steep but safe and not technical. Moderately tough because of the incline but a path the whole way.
Hike Incline: Starting point at Alpnachstad: 464m – Mount Pilatus height: 2,073m – Mount Tomlishorn height: 2,128m
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: MOUNT PILATUS HIKE IN SWITZERLAND
Rigi Hochflue is an very challenging hike up a very steep incline that leads you to a panoramic viewpoint, marked by a cross looking out over Vierwaldstattersee, which is the huge Lake Lucerne. The hike is not for the faint-hearted with a vertical ladder climb on the way up and a rocky descent on the way down. While the hike is quite short, it will separate the amateurs from the fit hikers with some steep descent that really burns the legs.
From the summit you have amazing views in all directions but looking out over Lake Lucerne in the summer was just incredible. The giant cross at the top marks the peak of the hike before you need to descend back down the steep slopes. We finished with a dip in Lake Lucerne, which I can’t recommend enough as a post-hike activity.
Hike Duration: 5 hours
Hike Difficulty: Consistent steep climbs. Vertical ladder up rock-face (not hard but if you fall it won’t be pretty). The descent is with chains bolted in for hand-holds and steep rocks. Very steep decline. I would rate this with up there as very physically challenging and attack with caution
Hike Incline: Starting point at Goldau Arth: 510m – Rigi Hochflue height: 1698m
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: RIGI HOCHFLUE HIKE NEAR BRUNNEN
Oeschinensee (Oeschinin Lake) is one of the premier alpine lake destinations in Switzerland. The azure blue water is surrounded by towering ridges, which are covered in snow in the winter and melt into waterfalls into the summer. It’s truly a magical amphitheater, which was almost too beautiful to believe.
The hike up to Oeschinensee is pretty but it’s when you actually reach the lake that the epic hiking views begin. You can trek all the way up to the top of the mountains behind the lake and look back down over the lake. Many tourists just take the cable car up and down but we enjoyed hiking around the lake and having lunch and coffee at one of the huts overlooking the entire region.
Hike Duration: 1 hour to Oeschinen Lake from Kandersteg (Additional for hiking around the lake)
Hike Distance: 4km
Hike Difficulty: Facile. Children on the trail. Short but steep. Hiking to the cabins is steeper but still safe.
Hike Incline: Starting point at Kandersteg: 1,174m – Oeschinensee height: 1,578m
Want more details and photos? View the full blog post here: OESCHINENSEE HIKE IN SWITZERLAND (ALPINE LAKE)
So after three months, those were 50 favorite hikes in Switzerland that made the list! In this section below, I’ll share some tips and resources with you that I think are hand to know before planning a Switzerland hiking tour. I really knew nothing before I entered Switzerland and had to learn everything from scratch so hopefully these help you be a bit more prepared.
- Red and white markers on the trail mean it is a walking trail and you want need any expertise in climbing. It doesn’t mean it’s easy though as it could be 20-kilometers of hiking trails with 2000m of incline but not technical so you will still need to look into the hike first to know what you are up against. Blue and white markers will be painted when they are indicating a technical or alpine route. Sometimes they are still quite tame but again, this is a warning sign that it is not going to be a leisurely walk on a trail and you can expect some kind of rock scrambling or climbing to be involved.
- Swiss locals have years of experience on the trails so never compare yourself to a local and assume you can do it. I saw some local children on hikes that were far more experienced than me so you are better off comparing yourself to your previous efforts when deciding if you can take a certain route or make a certain climb.
- Always check when the last cable car or the last train comes down on that day otherwise you will have a dark run home. I missed many cable cars by choice so I could enjoy the late sunset in the summer but i’ve seen some poor people stuck and have tom hike 10km down and for some it can be a bit rattling.
- It’s courtesy on the trails to say hello as you pass people and you will find the Swiss are quite polite and this is just common behavior on the trail. Depending where you are in Switzerland it may be a French, German or even Italian-speaking region so make sure to know a basic hello in the local language so you can greet people on the trail.
- The yellow signs in Switzerland are your best friend and are pretty accurate. They are correct so often, that you stop questioning them and put full faith into their accuracy even during a storm or an important decision. Often they have time markers on them as well so you know how far til you reach a safe spot or a mountain hut.
- Many trails and summits in Switzerland have a webcam at the top. This isn’t to ruin the surprise of the view for yourself but to check the weather. Remember in some cases you may be at accommodation several thousand meters below the summit you are hiking up so there can be a big difference and you may want to check that there isn’t a huge layer of fog and maybe wait for a more appropriate day. I used the webcams as a guide but sometimes the weather can change quickly. Simply search webcam+name of hike and you will find if there is one. One site that has many of them is Bergfex, which I used regularly.
Hiking in Switzerland is very different in the summer to the winter, which will obviously make a huge impact on what type of clothes and gear are necessary. However, for this little section on essential gear, I will just point out a few key items that you should have for basic hiking in average conditions. You’ll need hiking boots or trail running shoes, beanies, hiking socks and more but I’ll write a more detailed post about that another time. This is just a quick round-up of three essentials but for a full run down of all the hiking gear and camera gear I use you can check out this post: MY TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY GEAR: WHAT’S IN MY BACKPACK
- Hiking Poles: Not everyone will use them but the Swiss are religious about them unlike many Australians or Americans. You will learn to love them too as they take the strain off your knees and quads on both the uphill and the downhill. I used them to power up hills and help as a shock absorber on the way down. You can get them quite cheap but I found that there were two components to my hiking poles that I really liked. They were foldable down to a small size so I can put them in my backpack side pocket and they were the carbon fiber/lightweight style. They are a bit more expensive but I used them a lot and they became a necessity in the end. I’ll link you here to the carbon-fiber LEKI foldable hiking poles that I bought. I purchased them in Switzerland so they were very expensive but you can get them online much cheaper.
Hiking Poles: Leki Micro Vario Carbon Fiber Hiking Poles
- Down Jacket: The next key item to have is a down jacket. Even in the summer when it might be hot at lower altitude, once you reach the summit it gets that much colder. If it’s a sunrise or a sunset, I always had a lightweight but very warm down jacket with me. I chose one that I could stuff into my backpack when it was too hot but could always afford to carry it size-wise in case it was colder than I expected and I used it too many times to count. I’ll link you here to the Patagonia lightweight down-jacket that I bought online before heading to Switzerland.
Down-Jacket: Patagonia Nano Puff Jacket
- Hiking Gloves: They might seem like a small-item but your hands are the first things to go when it gets cold. They don’t have to be amazing gloves but you want something. I chose gloves that still let me operate my camera and phone but had a decent amount of warmth too. Once you start doing sub-zero hikes in Switzerland, you will want a more heavy-duty type of glove. I’ll link here to the gloves I used in Switzerland that let me still operate my camera.
Hiking Gloves: North Face E-tip Gloves
While you are hiking in Switzerland, it is inevitable you will come across some incredible mountain huts. I didn’t know much about the hut culture in Switzerland but once I was in on it, I loved it. Basically, the mountain huts are kind of like mountain cabin hotels. They usually have a restaurant and also a number of dormitory style rooms.
For average sized huts, it is common for a family to live up in the hut on the mountain during the summer and hiking season and visitors can book a night or more up at the hut. When they arive they have dinner and breakfast included in their nightly fee. I stayed overnight at five different huts (which were listed above) and most ranged from about $60 a night to $100 a night per person including breakfast and dinner.
The ‘huts’ are actually pretty fancy and have heating, nice restaurants, balcony, alcohol, games, books and much more. All you need to bring is a sleeping bag liner and your hiking gear and you are set. You can also shower at most of the huts (usually included in the price also). I always did a one-night stay so I would hike up, watch sunset and stay the night. I would then hike at sunrise and explore further on before hiking back down.
Many hikers like to do hut-to-hut mountain hiking, which means you map out several huts that are within hiking distance of each other and you do a multi-day trek where each night you will make it to a new mountain hut on the connecting trails throughout the Swiss Alps. It’s a great way to hike because you don’t need to carry all of your food, heavy camping gear or warmer clothes for the cold nights outside. You do all your eating at the hut restaurants and carry a few snacks with you and sleep in the comfort of the cabin dormitories. If you are in Switzerland in the summer, I can’t recommend it enough.
The other key point to remember is that most meals in Switzerland are $20-$40 at least so when you consider you are getting two meals included, the accommodation is really only $30-40 per night, which will be the cheapest accommodation you find in Switzerland but the best view!
If you are planning to stay at a lot of mountain huts you can buy a Swiss Alpine Club (SAC) membership, which also involves a rescue service if you get stuck on the mountain. This membership gives you a discount of usually 40-50% off the regular price of the hut price. It costs about $80 USD for the yearly membership so after three overnight stays you have made your money back and you are supporting the mountain hut owners of Switzerland, who you will see are all really nice families.
Below you can see the Swiss Alpine Club (SAC) difficulty rating scale I mentioned earlier in the article. Each level from T1 to T6 is explained in detail so you can understand what to expect when you see that terminology during your time in Switzerland.
Hiking |
Well developed, signposted and marked. Somewhat exposed places very well secured. | Flat or slightly inclined. No danger of falling with appropriate behaviour. | No steady footing necessary. Can be walked in trainers. Navigation without a map possible. |
Mountain hiking |
Continuous route and passage marking. | Steep in parts. Danger of falling not excluded. | Some steady footing Trekking shoes recommended. Basic navigation skills. |
Challenging mountain hiking |
A footpath is usually available. Exposed places mostly secured with ropes or chains. | Partially exposed areas with danger of falling, gravel plains, pathless steep terrain. | Good steady footing Good trekking shoes. Average navigation skills. Basic Alpine experience. |
Alpine walking |
Path not necessarily available. Sometimes need to use hands to keep going. | Mostly exposed. Tricky grass heaps, rocky slopes, simple firn fields and snow covered glacier passages. | Familiarity in exposed terrain. Stable trekking shoes. Terrain assessment and good navigation skills. Alpine experience. |
Challenging Alpine walking |
Often without a path. Individual, simple climbing sections. | Exposed. Challenging terrain, steep rocky slopes, snow covered glaciers and firn fields with danger of slipping. | Mountaineering boots. Secure terrain assessment and very good navigation skills. Good Alpine experience also in high Alpine terrain. Elementary knowledge in handling a pickaxe and rope. |
Difficult Alpine walking |
Mostly without a path and unmarked. Climbing sections up to II. | Often very exposed. Tricky rocky slopes, snow covered glaciers with increased danger of slipping. | Excellent navigation skills. Proven alpine experience and familiarity with alpine equipment. |
Source: Bergfreunde
Well that’s it. Some have called it a book and it may as well be. I hope you have enjoyed my Switzerland Hiking Guide and apprecite the effort that has gone into the documentation of all of the featured hikes. I had an amazing time creating this guide and attempting all of the hikes in Switzerland look forward to returning to attempt some more technical hikes and some beginner climbing! Stay safe and adventure hard!